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Full Week Of Training As A HYROX Athlete

Full Week Of Training As A HYROX Athlete
Elle Kelly
Writer and expert5 months ago
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HYROX, the endurance-based hybrid race, challenges athletes on nearly every level: aerobic and anaerobic fitness, physical strength, and mental resilience. If you want to succeed, preparation is absolutely vital.

Comprised of alternating 1km runs and functional workout stations, its format is what sets it apart from similar sports. For this reason, HYROX training can be tailored specifically for the unique demands of the event.

And, once you’ve completed your first few events, you can continue tweaking your training, making it even more specific to you, amplifying your strengths and improving your weaknesses.

Having come top in my age category in both doubles and singles HYROX events this season, I will be travelling to Nice this summer to compete in the HYROX World Championships.

In the coming months, as the event draws closer, I will adjust my training intensity and begin to focus on specific goals. But at the minute, I am focusing on all areas: strength, aerobic fitness, and resilience.

Below is an example of my typical weekly training split. Hopefully it provides an insight into the importance of balance. Super-intensive sessions six times a week is not the best way to train. In fact, it’s probably even detrimental.

HYROX is intense and therefore places the body under a lot of strain. This means it’s important to include gentler sessions in your training split. Working hard in your training, but recovering harder, is how you progress. Also, as there’s a lot of repetitive movement, it’s important to keep the volume at a reasonable level, particularly when starting out.


AM: 5k progression run

PM: Strength



AM: Strength workout

PM: HYROX session (40-60 minute engine-based workout incorporating HYROX exercises)



Row intervals (e.g., 10 x 500m with 2 mins rest in between sets)



AM: 10k progression run

PM: Strength workout



Rest or active recovery: easy 15k exercise bike (zone 2)



Strength workout + Saturday team sweat


HYROX session: 50-minute AMRAP with running and exercises.

  1. While this might seem like a lot, there are a few things to note when looking at this training programme.
  2. Some of these sessions take no more than 30 minutes. I rarely, almost never, spend three hours in the gym in one day.
  3. I have a very flexible schedule, meaning I have the option of breaking my training up into morning and evening sessions. For many people this isn’t doable, and that’s ok.
  4. I have spent years working to get to this position. This should not be looked at as what you “have to do” in order to compete in HYROX.
  5. This training plan is specific to me and my current goals. Everyone is different and should base their training around their abilities, goals and lifestyle.

Take home message

When preparing for an endurance-based hybrid event like HYROX, you must look at all areas of your training. Run plenty to improve your fitness, lift some weights to increase your strength, and include plenty of HYROX-specific workouts to practise the specific movements.

A training plan that covers all these things will support your HYROX goals, but also help you to stay functionally fit and strong. Remember: work hard, but more importantly, work smart. And as always, have fun throughout the process.

Want more HYROX info?


Elle Kelly
Writer and expert
View Elle Kelly's profile
Elle Kelly is a registered dietitian specialising in eating disorders and disordered eating. Elle is also a registered sports dietitian with a MSc in applied sports nutrition, and currently combines her specialities to support recreational to elite level athletes to fuel their performance whilst improving their relationship with food in her own clinic, EK Nutrition. Elle is passionate about providing evidence-based information in a way that is accessible to everyone, and always wants to help filter though the nuance and myths that circulate within the health and fitness industry so that induvials can make informed decisions about their nutrition. Elle is a member of the BDA and HCPC, and regularly undertakes supervision and CPD courses to ensure that she keeps her skills and knowledge up to the highest standard to support her clients. Elle enjoys long distance running and dabbling in cross fit, is a passionate cook and loves to travel and explore new places.