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You Asked, We Listened

You Asked, We Listened
Joni McMullen
Senior Content Executive1 year ago
View Joni McMullen's profile

You asked, we listened.

This year is about you.  

We’ve listened to your feedback, and that’s why we’re making some changes to the way we do promotions. 

At the end of 2022, you told us you want more clarity on the true value of our offers. With so many great deals happening all the time, we realise it could be a tad overwhelming.  

Our aim this year is to make our promotions clearer, to help you understand the value of our offers and get the most out of them.  


What does that mean for me?  

From February, we’ll only be offering discount codes during exclusive sales periods. But just because our offers have changed, doesn’t mean you won’t get great deals. It just means they’ll be even clearer from now on. 

We’ll still have sweet deals on all your must-haves, so you’ll get the best value on the products you love. And, as always, we’re dedicated to improving and welcome your feedback. 


Take Home Message  

Here’s to a great 2023 — let’s make the most of it together. 


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Our articles should be used for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to be taken as medical advice. If you're concerned, consult a health professional before taking dietary supplements or introducing any major changes to your diet.

Joni McMullen
Senior Content Executive
View Joni McMullen's profile