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#RefuelYourAmbition Challenge Week 2

If you’re not sure what the #RefuelYourAmbition Challenge is, let us fill you in. Each week our ambassadors will be setting new challenges for you to take on. Everything from testing your cardio, chef skills, or just how fast you can run whilst drinking a protein shake...if you’ve not yet seen that last one, you might want to check out our last post about the challenge. 

We’re already two weeks into January, and so many of you smashed week 1 of the #RefuelYourAmibition Challenge. Some incredible prizes were won like £200 vouchers, but don’t worry, week 2 is here and there’s still time for you to enter some of the challenges. If you think you can handle it. 

All of this week’s challenges begun on Monday the 11th, and you’ve got until Monday the 18th to enter! 

Here’s everything that's going on in week 2... 


Hang in there with Emelye Dwyer’s Challenge 

Fancy winning £200 to spend on whatever you fancy from Myprotein? Time to have a go at Emelye Dwyer’s Keep Hanging on Challenge. All you’ve got to do to be in with a chance of winning the big prize is to show off how long you can hang onto a bar for.  

Both hands facing forwards, nothing fancy, just bare hand grip. So, if you think you’re ready to show off your grip, read Emelye’s full post below to find out exactly how to enter. 

Naturally Stefanie’s Plant-Powered Challenge 

Plant-based lover Naturally Stefanie is challenging you this week to try more plant-based meals this Veganuary. All you have to do is switch out one of your usual meals for a plant based one each day, for a week. 

If you’ve taken part in this challenge, you could be in with a chance of winning a NutriBullet to make all of the protein packed smoothies your heart desires. 

To find out all the details of Stefanie’s competition, see her post below. 

Vicky Fleetwood’s Reverse Ladder 

Think you’re up for a challenge set by a pro rugby player? 

This week Vicky Fleetwood has got two £100 Myprotein vouchers up for grabs for the winners of her reverse ladder challenge, one voucher for the male winner, and one for the female winner. This one is going to be a sweaty one. Starting out with 5 thrusters, into 5 burpees, and dropping the number of reps down in each set, until you get to 1. 

Whoever completes the ladder in the quickest time, will be the winner! To find all the rules and how to enter Vicky’s challenge, see her post below. 

Colin Campbell’s Massive Burpee Challenge 

Colin’s challenge will definitely test the limits of your cardio, but you’ll be in with a chance of winning a £100 voucher. 

Colin challenges you to complete 55 burpees in under 5 minutes. Every burpee needs to have your chest to the floor, and your hands above your head height. For the full details and to find out how you can enter Colin’s challenge, see his post below.



Agnes Kiss’ 1000 Rep Challenge 

Agnes Kiss is challenging you to complete her gruelling 1000 rep challenge. 10 exercises, 100 reps of each. We’re getting a sweat on just thinking about it... 

If you think you’ve got what it takes to complete Agnes’s challenge, you could win a £100 voucher to stock up on all your Myprotein favourites. 

For the full info on Agnes’s challenge, see her post below. 

Kenya Burns 2 Minute Challenge 

Kenya’s challenge could win you a Myvegan bundle worth £50. Only if you can do the hard bit though...Kenya’s challenge asks you how many sets of her triset can you do in 2 minutes? 

That’s fifteen jump squats, fifteen burpees and fifteen tricep toe touches. The fastest time will be the big winner! So, better get some practice in. 

To get the full details on Kenya’s competition, see her post below. 

Nicole Cummins Booty Burning Challenge

Nicole Cummins has a £50 voucher waiting for you to snap up. To win her prize, all you’ve got to do is come up with the most unique glute activation routine. So, it’s time to get creative, whether it’s with resistance bands, or nothing but body weight, Nicole will pick the most unique routine and crown the winner. 

For full details of Nicole’s challenge, see her post below.



Charlie Garforth’s Get Moving Challenge 

It can sometimes be tricky getting out for that recommended daily walk during lockdown, Charlie’s challenge can help you out with that, and the £100 voucher might be a good incentive too. 

To enter Charlie’s challenge, you’ve got to take a morning walk, every day for 30 minutes, before or after breakfast. Charlie will pick the winner based on who impresses him the most! Could be whoever made the biggest change, or someone who really went out of their comfort zone. 

For all the details on Charlie’s challenge, see his post below.


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Monica Green
Monica Green Content Manager

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